We've got a lot of really lovely neighbours. Surrogate grandparents, friends, and folks who generally love to spoil the girls. When one of them asks us for a favour in return I'm more than happy to stand up.

Our neighbours that helped out with plans for the basement and who rescued our damn black dog more than once recently asked me to help out with a commemorative project. She was once quite heavily involved in the Western Showcase at the Calgary Stampede. So when the Stampede folks invited quilt block donations she asked me to help her out.
Her history is deep with the Stampede and she wanted her block to reflect that history and the influence of the art and person of Paul Van Ginkel. So, with his permission she translated some of his artwork of rodeo clowns into a sketch. We worked with the fabrics provided and a few others. Based on her sketch we put together a block. Fused and satin stitched applique, with a touch of thread painting.
Now, I'm not a clown person. I don't have that fear either. This block isn't my kind of thing, personally, but it is a great translation of the sketch and inspiration. And a great appreciation to my neighbour and her history.