Okay, like I need another project. I have a project yet to reveal, a baby quilt started that will probably be late, my water quilt, and a million ideas racing around in my head. And those are only the active ones, not the pile of UFOs hiding under the bed (literally). But I really, really like the Values quilts that Katie does over at
Willy-Nilly. And now she is hosting a
Shocking, I'm already behind.

The other day Hubby had The Monster our running errands so Smilosaurus and I played in my stash. I decided that this Values quilt would only be scraps. But in truth, my definition of scrap has changed over time. Originally, anything smaller than 6 inches was a scrap. And everything else got thrown back in the colour-coded bin as stash. For this project, however, I was going to need bigger pieces. So I refined my definition to anything I'd used before and might be less than a fat quarter. A pretty generous definition if you ask me.
I must confess that this pile was not even close to everything that fit my refined definition. I want to really like this quilt so I picked out only those fabrics that I still really like. Or, at least the fabrics that I really liked that day. I'm going to cut one of each and see where that gets me.
Let's see where this one goes...