I have my Hubby to thank for getting some quilting done this week. No, he didn't magically win the lottery so I could quit working, nor did he take the girls out every evening so I had no interruptions. But he had a busy week at work, so he was too bagged at the end of the day to do much work on the fence. That meant I didn't have to work on the fence. As much as I would
love a fence, I really appreciated the quilting time.
The Monster's birthday behind us we had a bit of breathing room this week, beyond the yard work. So I actually got to sew during naptime today (I don't work on Fridays). I got all the strips sewn for the water quilt. Well, I say that they are done, but I'm not sure of that yet. I've got all these strips, now what?

Just to get an idea of the potential size of the finished quilt I laid them out on the grass in the park across the street. Eyeballing it I would call this a large lap size at this point. Maybe 60 inches square, depending on layout, or even up to twin sized. The layout above with very random and done without any thought. But it does make me happier with the project overall. It has the general feel I wanted. I think it will come together into something interesting.

My next few posts are going to be photos of potential layouts. I would appreciate any opinions or input. I'm sure I'll have more stuff to piece and bits to cut out along the way. And I have a few ideas for how it could all come together, but we'll have to see. In the meantime, the grass across the street will be decked out in fabric. I've got no design wall currently so that is the only place I can spread things out to see. Let's hope there is no wind or rain in the coming days. Oh wait, if there is no wind or rain I'm on fence duty. Crap. Quilt or finish my fence and get a yard again? Rock, meet the hard place.
Isn't this a cool photo? A grass-eyed view of the quilt.