We returned from a weekend in Edmonton. As usual, it was crazy busy with lots of driving around to get visits in. But my mother-in-law was great to me, babysitting so I could go to my niece's school concert and have dinner out with an old girlfriend. On Saturday we threw a baby shaker for the recipient of
Your Parents Are Cool, and his parents, of course. In there I also got to spend the afternoon with my sister-in-law and little Lucca. And take more pictures of his quilt.

This is my favourite block. Just as I was putting blocks together I received my prize from
Sew Mama Sew and this orange puppy fabric was in it. Considering that Indy, the retired racing greyhound, is part of the family in Lucca's house I had to include some of this. The top fabric is actually from
another baby quilt that I made two years ago. I love including fabric with a little bit of history.

It was really hard to capture the quilting on this. I tried tonnes of different lighting options too. Hopefully you get the gist of it. I travelled vertically down the quilt, creating rectangular loops - for lack of a better term. The next line would be offset so the rectangle was in the vertical space left between two rectangles in the adjacent line of quilting. Does that make sense? If it doesn't and you are really curious let me know and I'll scan my sketch.

Yes, I did say sketch there. Quite often I will sketch out my quilting pattern. Rarely do I mark, but I find the repetition of sketching the pattern helps me work out kinks and get in the rhythm of the actual quilting. If I've ever taken an extended break from the quilting I will often do another sketch to warm up.

Finally, it would be mean to share a baby quilt without sharing a picture of the little man. Here is our nephew, Lucca, enjoying his quilt. His mom was wondering last week just which of his half dozen homemade blankets would become his blankie. I vote for mine.