Most of the time when you see a wonky log cabin they are set as individual blocks within a quilt. This makes for very bold, graphic designs. In my searching though, I would be curious to see what wonky log cabin blocks look like set in traditional log cabin settings. Hmm... I might yet tackle the log cabin again.
I won't pass on a tutorial, but I will send you to this one. I couldn't have said it better. The important thing to remember with wonky log cabins, really in any improvisational technique, is to still remember basic sewing principles. Use a consistent seam allowance (preferably 1/4 inch). Trim your excess fabrics so you aren't left with a mess of extra fabric on the back of the block. And square up your block at the end.
One final tip with these wonky log cabins: Try to make your final logs at least 3/4 inch wide (finished). Any narrower than that and you will have these teeny strips that get lost when you piece the blocks into a quilt.
We can thank Denyse Schmidt for providing the true inspiration for all of us on these wonky log cabins. But they are some amazing examples of these modern quilts all over the place. Some of my favourites can be found here, here, and here.