This little Dynamo is done! Delivered too, as the little man's bris was yesterday. What a special ceremony for welcoming someone to the world. Intimate and beautiful. Yes, beautiful. My friends, the parents, were overcome with emotion for their wondrous son and for the meaning of the celebration. Their community of friends and family welcomed Charlie and brought a bit of light to what is a busy, stressful time in anyone's life.

My hope is that this quilt can bring some comfort and light to Charlie's life as well. From building forts, snuggles on snow days, and some bright spots in his room - all can bring love to the child.

This quilt was a bit of a different style for me. I am thrilled with the way it turned out - very graphic and bold. The colours are more muted than I normally work with, but they all went so well with the
inspiration fabrics. I tried a few l
ayouts after making a whole bunch of half square triangles. It was all too busy, so I went for larger blocks. Then, of course, I couldn't resist a few circles...

To emphasize the graphic nature of the quilt's design I stuck with a simple and graphic quilting pattern. I simply accentuated a few of the circles - free-hand, can you tell? - and did some straight line quilting on the diagonal. It's been a while since I used a walking foot.
Sometimes it is good to try a few new things. Sometimes they do just work out.