Now, basting on the kitchen floor is never recommended. No matter how young you are it is torture on the knees and back. What's a girl to do? I usually baste my bigger quilts on the boardroom table at work, but I'm not at work these days. The kitchen floor it was.
It wasn't too bad, actually. I had enough room to maneuver around the quilt and between the cabinets/fridge. And a cup of tea forced me to get up every few blocks or so for a good sip. Just as I was getting the last of the pins in the quilt the baby, or Little Miss Sunshine as she is now known (better than The Barfinator, her former nickname) woke up. After I nursed her she joined me in the kitchen while I closed all the pins and tidied up.
Unfortunately, as I was closing all the pins my neck started killing me. By the end I could barely lean over, I was crying from the pain, and nausea was about to overtake me. A simple lunch with a chaser of Ibuprofen and a half hour with an ice pack eased the spasm, but OW!!! My girlfriend was on her way over and felt bad for staying while I was in obvious pain. It was a welcome break - it always is with her - and plus, she brought me dinner!
So much for our planned picnic in the park to enjoy the gorgeous day. Instead, I will enjoy the meatballs my girlfriend shared and hopefully get some backyard time in while I count the hours to my massage tomorrow.