Wish for Peace
Searching for peace. The world is scary and depressing and dark these days. I won't lie, it's getting to me a bit. So in a search for a dopamine hit a few weeks back I looked for a quilt to finish. I had this gorgeous block - pattern by Tamara Kate Designs - that was perfect. On theme plus a 21" square so a quick finish. It's not going to solve any of the world's problems or bring us all peace, but one ray of sunshine means I can face it a bit better and with a more loving heart.
I’d actually made the block nearly 2 years ago, shortly after the war in Ukraine started. The paper pieced pattern is fantastic. To quilt it I used a scrap of my usual cotton batting and stitched a tight grid (1/4”) on the diagonal with a random pale yellow thread I found in the sewing room. It’s probably a Presencia, if I had to guess. To bind the mini I used a purple, to complement and be a bit of a pop.