If you know me or have seen the hidden boxes in my basement you know that it is hard for me to keep commitment to bees and round robins. I don't know why, but I get so stuck on these projects and I'm the one who either hands in the project ridiculously late or not at all. Yes, I've been known to be THAT quilter.
Alas, no more! I promise, I swear, and I cross my heart because this year I joined a bee. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to work with these ladies. And my logic also tells me that if I am being told what to do I should be able to manage it.
One month down and I was only a tiny bit late. But I'm totally blaming my knees.
This is the first block for Valerie. It was also the first time for me to work with these Heather Ross fabrics. They're sweet, but I won't be losing any sleep over them. And after seeing the blocks headed her way, I am quite excited to see them all together.
That is probably my favourite part of this process. I just wish I could be there with every one of my partners to help them assemble the tops. I love taking blocks and putting them together, moving this one over here and that one there, until it all just feels right. I've got to wait until January for my turn. That gives me plenty of time to change my mind about what I want done.