Workshop in Progress - Jan 27
It's time for Workshop in Progress. I've got a few questions myself about a project, but I want to highlight a few of the other projects out there where the creators are asking for your input. Check out the links and see what you can lend to the creative process. Remember, keep your comments constructive and polite.
Making your own baby's quilt is one of the most difficult projects I can think of. Cristin at Sew This is my Life is expecting her first baby and has made a great start on her own baby quilt. She is looking for some quilting advice and any name suggestions (for the quilt), can you help her out?
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt is working on a fantastic, modern basket quilt. She has a couple of different options. I love the idea of combining all the stripes and baskets together, personally, but what do you think?
Over at Blueberry Gabs Jody is looking for some input on the jump to Etsy. She has some gorgeous handknit hats that certainly tempt me.
Jenny from Puddle Jumping Designs and On the Creative Path has quite the challenge facing her with the redecoration of her kids' room. So many crafty and creative possibilities. What can you recommend to her? Visit her at Puddle Jumping today to help her out.
This is an older post, but another good one for the Workshop. Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio is always working on an armful of projects. On this one she isn't totally happy with the layout. Any suggestions for her?
Okay, my turn. I'm still doing nothing but handwork these days. My lovely nanny helped me get this project started yesterday while the girls were napping. I've fused on the shapes and done some outline stitching in black thread, to mimic a line drawing effect, a la Syko.
Those orange and yellow circles are balloons. Well, they will look like balloons once I sew/embroider strings from the little creature's hand to the balloons. That's where I'm stuck. I'm not entirely sure what to do, as I am not an embroidery person. I don't think I want to use floss though because I don't want the strings to pop out more than the balloons or creature. Or is that just silly? So, stitch and colour recommendations?
I will be handquilting in the background and turning this whole thing into a pillow. Piping or no piping, that will be a decision for another day.
Thanks for participating in the Workshop today!