Quilt Along Week 7 - All Done
Thank-you so much for your support in this Quilt Along. I'll admit, I'd hoped more of you would participate after such a good response to Gratitude. Then again, there was the little break life brought our family. And when I did re-start this? Just before Christmas? Not my smartest move. But I am so pleased with the results I've seen from those of you that have participated.
Over on Flickr, baileygirl_5 posted her fabric choices and the beginning of her strip sets. I love where she is going with this, using darks as her background and lights as her accents. Nice twist!
Elle in Da Coop is an old quilting friend and she was inspired to tackle another project on her always growing list. Look what picking similar colours to mine can do when you make the background pieces just a little more subdued. Browse around her December posts to see what she also did on the back and with all the leftover pieces. Fantastic!
And while there are a few more that have picked fabric or cut fabric, here is another set of blocks that have been started. Diane at Life Scraps used a few of the same fabrics which I used, but with a totally different effect.
If you come back to this at some point in the future, be sure to let me know, I would love to see what you create. Thanks for Quilting Along with me!