Thank-you so much for all your comments on the different potential layouts for my water inspired quilt. One of the things that struck me in the comments was the difference in what it meant to think of water. Some thought of waterfalls or rivers, others thought or tranquil lakes. Most saw blue and most saw easy movement.
To be honest, I wasn't sure myself what water meant when I started it. It was really inspired by a
pile of fabric that simply read water to me. But all the comments got me thinking about what I wanted this quilt to truly represent. So I dug through the photo archives and found some inspirational water photos.
Hubby at the deserted beach bar on our honeymoon. An hour on the scooters, some very scary looking Cuban military guys, and this completely deserted beach with a bar. A stocked bar, and an eventual bartender who fed us fresh papaya and cold beers.
That's me in the water at Pilar beach, again on our honeymoon. We snorkeled there one day and went back to simply soak up the sun another day.
The view of the ocean storms of the Northumberland Straight on our vacation to Nova Scotia two years ago.
Hubby jumping the waterfall at Sierra de la Laguna in Baja this past Christmas.
A water fight in Baja.
Introducing Smilosaurus to the ocean in Baja. A calm day, perfect for babes in water and more snorkeling.
The girls getting creative on a hot day in the backyard. Yes, that's a blue box for recycling and the garden hose. And our new grass.
Smilosaurus in the bath. Our lovely harvest gold bath suite. Don't you love it?
That cute the little girl again. This time in Waterton National Park, just a little over a week ago. Mountain lakes are perfect for her and her favourite pastime of throwing rocks.
Does that help define water for me? Let's see... Adventure and tranquility, activity and relaxation, excitement and calm. Now, what kind of quilt will that make?