Now, find me a little girl - or a grown woman - who wouldn't love this quilt. I am thinking of adapting it to at least a lap size or even bed size. A whole flock of appliqued birds on a modern, bold background? Hmm, I already have a collection of pinks and browns set aside for another idea...
The quilting really makes this design. The pattern is simply that of my quilted interpretation of tree branches. Swooping and curving across the quilt, the branches support the bird and add some flow to the design. And boy was it fast!
I have to give credit where credit is due. We have pretty rockin' Friday nights in this house. Hubby was watching TV and I was quilting a few feet away in our messy dining room. I threw the fabric that has the small birds in it and a pad of paper his way, with the instructions, er... command, to draw me a larger version. First shot and he got it bang on. I probably should have put his name on the label.
Another label, another skinny binding, and another quilt for the order completed.