We also had the Monster's second birthday, back in Edmonton. It was just family, but that makes for over 20 people. She was so excited - playing with her cousins, chowing down on her worms in dirt cupcakes, or riding her new tricycle. Mama's apron was chopped liver compared to that red tricycle.
Now, on to binding the quilt. I was test driving some options the other day. I don't have exactly what I want and will have to go shopping this afternoon. E enjoyed hanging out while I played with fabric. She also demonstrated why you make baby quilts washable - she puked right after I took this picture.
I forgot to mention that I did take Glenda's advice and changed the size of the needles to a 90/14. What an improvement! The quilting was finished with no more broken threads. I must remember this if I want to use Sulky again. It would also be a good idea if I have a quilt with lots of seams. Her comments led me to this site: a great explanation of needle sizes.