Elena joined us on May 13, after about 30 hours of labour. Well, technically it was 30 hours because my water broke on the Monday, but I didn't actually start active labour until almost 24 hours after that. Long story short: it was hell and a bit a scary, but we welcomed our second little girl with a successful VBAC late in the evening.
The last week was spent getting breastfeeding established, entertaining visitors (flowers are fine, but food is better), and watching her for jaundice. We had one return visit to the hospital for a night under the billi-lights, but all is seemingly going well now. I am not recovering as quickly as expected after a vaginal birth, but I have to tell myself that it is still a better recovery than a c-section delivery. The doctor assured me that my healing is going well. So, as soon as my pain subsides (tearing needs to heal) then I get get back to the basement and finish this adorable creature's quilt.