"green is not just a colour"

Almost Herringbone

There is cutting and sewing and pressing going on! Check out what those strips of Shades of Grey are turning into.

I was completely influenced by the fabric itself. Jan's bold graphics are so inspiring to me. Such a great change from florals these days. The one Ragg Tagg print fit perfectly into a concept I'd been exploring. So I essentially have taken that one fabric and made it large-scale for the quilt pattern itself. It was so easy to do and I love the effect.

And check out how well it all works with our patio chairs.

Depending on how my evenings go I should be able to share the finished project in a week or so.

Please stay tuned for another project I'm launching next week. This one's a biggie!

More Grey

It might seem appropriate that I'm working with grey fabric these days, but I assure you that these Shades of Grey fabric are far from dreary and dull. Clear tones, loads of white, and some amazing graphics on the latest line from Jan at Daisy Janie. This line is also printed on certified organic cotton.

Jan sent me some of this new yardage a few months back. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get to it until very recently. Now I have an exciting project underway using these great prints. For now, I've cut strips. And I'm drooling over this particular print and it just might have inspired the design of this quilt, much like the Ogee fabric from Geo Grand inspired my Ornamental Organic quilt.

As usual, I'll keep you posted on my progress.

If you are interested in Shades of Grey, I've seen them available for purchase so far at Fat Quarter Shop, Wondrous Wovens, Sew Mama Sew, and Marmalade Fabrics.

Sneak Peak

I know I go on and on about process and even criticize folks who wait for finished projects for a reveal.  But I can't help myself on this one.  I am so excited by it.  It deserves a proper unveiling when the time is right.

This is a tiny sneak peak of my all organic quilt, showcasing the Geo Grand fabric by Daisy Janie. I was completely inspired by the fabric when it came to the design.  But the full effect isn't there yet, that's why I want to wait to reveal it.

To complement the Geo Grand I picked up some Robert Kaufman Organic solids from Pink Chalk. And I picked up some yardage of Geo Grand and organic thread from Plum Project. (Thanks Holly, for that recommendation!)

Yesterday I cut and finished the top.  This whole being home thing is kind of nice when the creative juices hit! Of course, there was little in the way of home maintenance done yesterday and I stayed up way too late to finish. I'm paying for that today. But nothing that tea in a Bunnykins mug can't mend.

Prepare yourself, I'm contemplating making a quilt from a single fabric line.

Shocked, aren't you?

You see, I won this gorgeous Daisy Jane organic fabric from the Blogger's Quilt Festival. And when it arrived I got to thinking about making a solely organic piece. I know I could mix in some other lines, or at least some solids. It would be a bit of a statement, and somehow it seems wrong to mix it with the conventional stuff.

Kind of like getting organic, local strawberries and making shortcake with Bisquick mix.